November 2020

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November 6, 2020

Well, would you look at this! I am adding “blogger” to my list of “Things I Never Thought I Would Do”. 

Welcome to “Writeful” by Trevor D. The purpose of my monthly blog is to remind you of your right to write your story by sharing mine. Whether you are scribing a book, penning in a journal, or etching on the tablet of your heart, you are the author of the pages of your life! It is my hope that this blog will embolden you to take possession of your story and your life so that others will be inspired to do the same.

Who is Trevor D. you ask? I’m a 55 year old God fearing, married, Jersey girl with Southern roots born in July, who is also a music lovin’, overthinkin’, book readin’, ocean cravin’, family adorin’, life lovin’, memory creatin’, known for withdrawin’, forever learnin’, stay chillin’, peace seekin’ introvert with a crazy sweet tooth, a sense of humor, an overwhelming desire to help others win, and a conviction to be the change I want to see!  I am also a corporate professional with 30+ years experience and  a children’s book author whose life changed instantly with a visit to one of the largest book sellers in the United States.

I was on a mission to find books that feature little Black boys as the protagonists.To my disappointment, I only found two on the shelves. In the children’s book section of that store, full of hundreds of thousands of pages chronicling life factually or fictitiously in the past, present, and future, there only about fifty pages that captured the narrative of characters that resembled my nephews. Who was telling their stories? On that day, I vowed that I would. I turned a problem into a passion!

Today I’m an author whose mission it is to add diversity to mainstream children’s literature by writing stories that positively depict Black and Brown boys so that all children would learn to appreciate and empathize with characters that may not look like them.

The mission has nudged this introvert into a world of book signings, author interviews, school visits, and yes…blogging. 

There is so much I will be sharing about the importance of diversity in children’s literature and how it is connected to establishing a love for reading. You can stop by for diverse book recommendations and fun-filled activities related to the story for a more memorable experience. I’ll be sharing stories about my authorpreneurial journey including any tips or ideas I’ve learned along the way. Statistics can also be found here along with inspiration and encouragement!

This will not, however,  be a one way conversation. I encourage you to add comments, offer suggestions, and have fun with me on this journey. Teachers, school administrators, parents, and homeschoolers you are welcome here! 

I look forward to learning and sharing as I embark on another leg of this journey with you!

Trevor D.